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Author: admin

Apple Bytes 4/2008

A month of learning… This has been a brain stretching month. All busy months include a lot of learning. Separating the wheat from the chaff is the issue. So many new things are coming to light and that makes it very enjoyable. Learning about Leopard seems to be consuming a lot of time lately. But then there are many new…

Apple Bytes 3/2008

Hurrah, we're back on schedule It has been a rather hectic couple of months but I think we should be back on our normal schedule of meetings. Let's be optimistic. Macworld has come and gone. Whoopee, lots of people. More crowded and more exhibitors than recent years. A number of new products were on display along with the world's smallest…

Apple Bytes 1/2008

Happy New Year to All! MacWorld SF is coming January 14 – 18 Moscone Convention Center We all know what that means. This is the month when we all pay homage to Glorious Leader of the cult of the Mac. A long week of studying and analyzing the new releases to our fifedom. We will all get rejuevenated and all…

Apple Bytes 12/2007

Leopard is here… And it is getting better each day. The 10.5.1 release came out in record time. Now that there is an Army of beta testers, a lot of new bugs are surfacing and, generally speaking, said bugs are squashed at a rapid rate. This past week has shown a definite shortage of 2.5" IDE drives which are commonly…

Apple Bytes 11/2007

Leopard is here… Wow, is it ever. "Like Gangbusters" is an understatement. We all have heard both sides of the spectrum. Many have experienced a very smooth transition and a good number have suffered one or more significant problems. The press is on both sides of the fence. Some rave and others rant. By-and-large, Leopard is being well received. Without…

Apple Bytes 10/2007

October Leopard getting closer… Here we are in the beginning of October. The new OS is due out sometime this month. Apple is still humming to get it released on time. Randy probably has a good handle on the actual date, though officially it remains a mystery. The question is: will they have a big release gala event or just…

Apple Bytes 9/2007

A Mini Keynote… Indeed we got a newer, thinner and faster Aluminum iMac. A fancy glass screen that has generated a lot of discussion among the High End Photo editors. I must temper my comments as I have not seen it up close and personal yet. Reflection seems to be the big issue. Several solutions to lessen the glare and…

Apple Bytes 8/2007

Wow, a quiet month…  After a hectic month like June, we need a little rest. After all the hype and hulla-baloo, a vacation was in order. We have had several weeks to digest the iPhone now and it looks like just another successful Apple product launch. Lots of speculation, but that’s what makes the Merry Go Round go around…