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Category: Apple Bytes

Old monthly newsletter.

Apple Bytes 7/2004

The new meeting place… Last Saturday was a long work day for a few stalwart members. The Shop 7 Computer Lab is somewhat improved. Much cleaner, the Airport Extreme is installed and working, the old Tray Loaders have been swapped for Slot- loaders, the clock batteries have been replaced, the machines were thoroughly cleaned with high pressure air. The broken…

Apple Bytes 6/2004

The most stable ever… All of a sudden, with the blink of an eye and the click of his mouse, he simply made it appear on a number of sites. Lo, it was not all home free. The first software update release for 10.3.3 apparently caused a few problems for some. Fortunately just installing the (double sized version,) combo update…

Apple Bytes 5/2004

Our Laptop cup runneth over… Finally we have had some activity in the update and improvement arena. This is essentially a speed bump update for the portables. All the Laptops are G4 powered. Even the lowly 12" iBook now runs at a healthy 1 Ghz with the 14" version up to 1.25 Ghz. Not bad at all for an $1100…

Apple Bytes 4/2004

Second quiet month in a row… Another quiet month has passed with nothing new under the Apple. The only excitement was the release of 10.3.3 updater which, by the way, has been very well received. Even Mikey likes it. Of course Stan thinks it is the most stable thing since concrete was invented. This does lend credence to the fact…

Apple Bytes 3/2004

San Francisco Apple Store Opens February 28th.. Well done San Francisco. Another Gala happening done as only San Francisco can do it. From all reports it was truly a spectacular event. I couldn’t be spared from the daily routine and was unable to participate in the festivities. Other reports have much to say about the Grandiose opening. Congratulations Apple. There…

Apple Bytes 2/2004

Wow, the 20th anniversary… Many others have made the same comments. It came and it went with no fanfare whatsoever. Just another page in the diary of Apple, much like the recent keynote address with little or nothing to announce or release or whatever. Just remember that β€œhe” said that β€œthey” would be releasing products throughout the forthcoming year. That…