Ed demonstrated the program “Mac the Ripper” which is on this month’s DOM. It is used to copy copy- protected DVDs for backing up your software (in case of scratched discs). The screen shows type of copy protection, select to remove, select Region (8 codes) want to copy to, select Mode to set what want to extract. Save to location…
Category: Meeting Notes
Minutes 9/2/2004
Bob Shayler called the meeting to order. John Mitchell lifted up the help user group members provide one another via email and in person. Many examples were given. “need help, have a question? Just ask and you will receive help and numerous answers.” The dialogue on our Yahoo site demonstrates the willingness to be helpful to one another. Stan Kline…
Minutes 7/1/2004
Prior to the meeting more cleaning was accomplished in the refurbished Shop 7 Lab. The meeting concentrated on the review of several popular programs that many members use and like. However, many of us do not take advantage of the full capabilities of the programs. Bob Shayler showed off the power of Sherlock. He encouraged us to explore each of…
Minutes 5/7/2004
President Bob Shayler called on eSteve to share some good news. eSteve (Esteban Zapian), after giving some background info, indicated that the SLUSD has agreed to a Mac/PC duo platform within the district. Yea! Bob indicated that our July meeting would not be able to meet in our regular room. Info on where will be forthcoming. He indicated that by…
Minutes 4/1/2004
Stan Kline shared information about several items he gleaned from TidBITS (All the News that’s fit to Byte, #724/01.) TidBITS can be accessed at http://www.tidbits.com. “It’s a newsletter well worth subscribing to.” Apple has released a public beta of iChat AV 2.2, the instant-messaging and audio/video conferencing application. The update fixes several bugs and incorporates support for Microsoft’s MSN text…
Minutes 2/4/2004
Bob Shayler welcomed us to the February meeting of SLMUG and outlined the evening for us. He will keep the presenters within their time frame. Ed Matlock went on line to our slmug.org web site. He led us through the site button by button. The Home page notes the next meeting, brief history, link to 20th Anniversary Macintosh ads, a…
Minutes 1/15/2004
The meeting started with Ed presenting Randy an award for his excellent work as our president the past two years: An Apple Swiss Army Knife in a tin container – real neat! Our new web page (www.slmug.org) was presented by John and Ed. It was up on December 11. It was built by Ed and Jenny. Lots of goodies are…